Have you ever experienced fear and euphoria simultaneously? When I heard the news that the Navadurga of Thecho would be returning to the palace to bestow their offerings to Manamaveshwori, the tutelary deity of Lichhavi King Mana-Deva, I was on my feet, riddled with goosebumps.
As I paid respect to their excellence, I was in awe! The dance of Navadurga still held its tribal, primitive grounds featuring archaic jewellery, traditional mask's dried blood splatter from sacrifices made over the years. Tasked as guardians of the southern territories of Lalitpur from bandits and evil, they've truly ensured the prosperity of our lands.
You can read more about my encounter with these wild goddesses in the blog below. 
Maharjan, S. (2020). Thecho and The Navadurga - Part I. Hotel Shanker Blog  
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